Nordic Handicraft Association invites you to the third webinar on 1sqm Flax!
Introduction to the Nordic 1 sqm of flax webinar March 14th, 2023:
A Nordic joint project has been established to revitalize flax culture and traditions. The production of flax is not only a question about cultural heritage.
Understanding the diverse and laborious processes increases the knowledge of sustainable production and the value of materials.
In the earlier 2 webinars we have shared our knowledge of flax cultivation in the Nordic countries, heard Swedish experiences of home cultivation and a bunch of practical tips how to start it yourself. And also about the experience and feedback of 1 sqm flax growing in nordic countries in summer 2022.
This third webinar will focus on sharing experiences, history and traditions of flax and linnen in different countries. Each country will have different topic. Everyone can ask questions during the lectures in the event chat.
Webinar is held in English, no pre-registration needed, duration 1,45 hours
here is the link https://teams.microsoft.com/l/meetup-join/19%3ameeting_NzMyMjIzYzUtMjU3NS00ODc3LWJlNDItYmY1NWJhOGRkZDUx%40thread.v2/0?context=%7b%22Tid%22%3a%229c028276-6ab5-48df-ae48-ad43096533a4%22%2c%22Oid%22%3a%223a9ac0cc-8d9f-4089-9fce-cfc622ac5b6a%22%7d
Nordic Handicraft Association participanting countries: Denmark, Estonia, Finland, Iceland, Norway and Sweden
This webinar is hosted by Estonia and Denmark.
This webinar is hosted by Estonia and Denmark.